Everything but the kitsch-en sink: Natalie Robinson

Natasha Francois enters the kitsch deluxe domain of Natalie Robinson. It’s hard to know where to look in Natalie Robinson’s North Shore home: every conceivable surface is crammed with whimsical icons of kitsch from yesteryear. Siamese cats with elongated necks rub shoulders with doe-eyed fawns while kewpie dolls vy for shelf space with squeaky children’sContinue reading “Everything but the kitsch-en sink: Natalie Robinson”

Big Fish in a Small Pond: Labretta Suede and the Motel 6 ‘Bait’ EP Release launch party

On the eve of their first Auckland gig in over a year, the feisty frontwoman from “ass-whippin’ high-kickin’, low down rockin’-an-a-reelin’ rock’n’roll” band Labretta Suede and the Motel 6 talks to Natasha Francois about being underdogs in the scene, why their new EP contains their best material to date and why they’ll be making a commotion in the ocean on March 18.